Monday, May 30, 2005

24 hugs (plus one)


all the love!

The non-profit organization where I work ( ) had its annual recognition event for the volunteers last night, and it was a wonderful evening. Since I run the training programme, I got to give out the certificates of appreciation to the wonderful, fantastic, amazing people who dedicate huge amounts of their time to train new phone counselors (I still can't say enough about how wonderful they are!).

I guess I was nervous. I think I had an attack of latina-itis. I forgot I was in Japan. I might even have spoken a little Spanish. And I gave every single one of those volunteers a great big hug when I gave them their certificate. Oops! But it was lovely, I have to say. I'd do it again!

and the other hug...

was a mom-hug, of course. I'm so pleased and proud and amazed by Sam. He has finally figured out how to read music. Or, rather, he has finally figured out that he already knew how to read music (these things can creep up on you...) and decided to try his hand at composition (or, composure, as he calls it). He's written a little peice for the piano/organ/whatever noise our little electric piano can make.


Tuesday, May 24, 2005

my little dostoyevsky

hmmm... time for another proud mom post. Cause you can never get enough of that, now, can you?

Sam has taken quite artistically to his school assignments, and now writes everything (including research projects) from a literary perspective. His piece on the African Black Rhino had him (the narrator) as a private eye. But I really like this one. It showcases his signature style - pretty much everyone dies in everything he writes...

Komodo Dragon
By Sam Chapman

Chapter 1.
It was a cool day in Komodo Island. I was walking around, tripping over my tail (which is longer than me). My name is Komo. I’m a Komodo dragon. So there I was minding my own business (tripping) when I heard a BOOM! I turned around (or tripped around). Then I heard it again. BOOOM!! Louder this time. Then CRAAAASHH!!!!!! And I knew no more.
When I woke up, I was in a little enclosure with shiny sticks all around me. Little and big fat blobby things were all around me. One of them was offering me a fish. This one was in the shiny sticks. It got closer and closer. TOO CLOSE! I bit him! He screamed in pain. Then, he fell to the ground. Slowly he was dying.

Chapter 2.
Two more things came into the enclosure. They picked up the fish-serving freak. I don’t even like fish! I ran for it. When I got to the bars (I think they are called), I started digging a tunnel. When I finished that I ran (tripping frequently). I wanted to get back to my home.

Chapter 3.
When I got to the wilderness I made a new burrow. The next morning I went hunting for my food. A deer! Mmmmm…. Life was pretty normal after that. Until…

Chapter 4.
One day I was minding my own business when suddenly I was in another cage! Then a sharp thing came out of nowhere and I fell asleep. When I woke up I was in the same type of cage but bigger. I tried to dig my way out but the floorwas too hard. I’m in a tight spot, I thought. I didn’t get fed at all. I was starving. Slowly but surely I was dying.

The (dead) end.

Isn't that sweet?

now, where should I send it for publication...

Sunday, May 22, 2005

sad things, loveliness

well, sadly but not unexpectedly, my mom's partner (Jack) died this morning in Vancouver. Because we live so far away, I didn't know him really well. Mostly what I know about him is how he transformed my mom.

Jack was my mom's first true love. They were absolutely beautiful together. He allowed her to see how wonderful and loveable and beautiful she really is. They only had a couple of years together, but what loveliness to see someone you love so much have so much love in her life.

Thank you, Jack. We will all miss you.

Monday, May 16, 2005

a few of my favourite things

as many of you know, I spend waaayyyy too much time on the internet (although it has certainly decreased since I got gainful employment).

anyway, since nothing actually exciting seems to happen in my life these days (although we did get hit by a thunderstorm on our way home from watching sumo yesterday), I thought I would share a few of my favourite spots on the net with you. I suppose I could just have them as links, but that seems too permanent. These are my current favourites...

kind of poignant, funny, sad and maybe an antidote to some sort of loneliness:

where I turn whenever Steve sends home a possibility for our NEXT home (in recent weeks: Athens and Dar Es Salaam):

and things that make me giggle and/or cringe and/or wonder:

to date, despite what seems like weekly options for leaving Tokyo, I remain committed to one more year here. Good job for me, settled (for now) job for Steve, great school and friends for Sam...

but I do always wonder about the next thing - wherever and whatever that is.