Yay! New vocabulary...
Crap! It means ticks...
Fox is now an outside dog. Something about her Japanese blood is absolutely delicious to Cuban ticks, and I can't stand the sight of the creepy little crawlers scurrying across the kitchen floor. We have fumigated inside and out, treated the dog at least 4 ways, and now she lives outside. Sorry, puppy.
Sam has a new friend here, an newly arrived American/British boy, and as always with Sam's friends, he is about 3 feet taller than Sam. And even more energetic and talkative than Sam - imagine!
I actually have some of Sam's writing to post, so I should get on that. He has blossomed as a poet, and is loving the Shakespeare component of his literature programme - and they are studying Romeo and Juliet! Imagine how much he would love the comedies. He wanders around the house quoting Shakespeare, and is able to remember whole scenes word-for-word. Yet, he can't seem to remember to pick up his socks...
And they are starting to get stinky.
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