11 days...
...since I last touched a computer.
Toto, I have a feeling we aren't in Tokyo anymore...
Things are certainly different here. Beautiful, different. It is a much, much, much smaller place, with much more life. Vida. People seem generally happier, and there is music all over the place. I think I have heard Air Supply on the radio twice already. What????
Our house is truly lovely, and has space for guests. But, those guests will be requested (required?) to bring with them some things that we just can't find in Cuba. So far, that would be English books. There is, in fact, toilet paper here. I guess Cubans DO go to the bathroom...
Actually, there are more President's Choice and No Name products (these are basic Canadian brands, for my non-Canadian readers) here than I could ever imagine. And we even had a SALAD last night, with actual LETTUCE!!!!
ah wow. sounds amazing. keep a bloggin. the need to live vicariously through you is very strong. cuba's been my number one for too many years now.
i have my deep worries for you and the air supply situation however. stay strong!
11:34 p.m.
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11:34 p.m.
I knew you would update sooner or later!!!! Wooooo, good to hear from you! I keep hearing Air Supply here in Oz too, its scary to realise how nonbiodegradable they are...
11:37 a.m.
But, but, but...how are the cigars? Cheap and fresh and smokalicious? (sorry, J-ster)
Inquiring karaoke kings want to know.
the king
7:28 p.m.
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