...for a change. I'm so lazy! Oh well. I'm making a honey-carrot tzimmis for a passover seder we are going to tonight. I'm so lazy that I managed to wrangle us passover at someone else's house! Of course, that's my goal every year. Although it was fun doing our own alternative/ feminist/ Dr. Seussilian style last year, I have to say. Sam's favourite is always the matzoh-ball soup. I'm wondering how many years it will be before I have to admit to making it all from a package?
Last night was Sam's school's annual charity concert. This year, they were raising money for a school in Sri Lanka that they have sistered with - to rebuild it after the tsunami. Sam's school lost a whole family in the tsunami, so the concert and fundraising is in their name. It was a fun evening - each year Sam crashes less hard at the end (it's a long day, and he never remembers to eat...). And he was great - he had a speaking part, and he was calm and clear on stage. I fear he might be a natural.
He certainly won't be a proof-reader... He came home from school on thursday and asked me:
"what's a long-bottomy?"
a what?????
so, he showed me in the book he was reading: oh, a lobotomy... well... I've certainly had to explain more difficult things. I just played some Ramones for him, that pretty much cleared it up.
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