Friday, March 31, 2006

good news, bad news...

well, have you ever had your computer die on you, and think - wow, I really should have backed up...

just had that...

if you want to hear from me, send me an email!

And the good news is:



hot, humid, cigars, rum, functionally literate - all those good things.

So, if you want to visit us... send me an email, cause I've lost your address. Really.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

just a snippet

from my boy...

This, last weekend at the dinner table (just before Sam's bi-annual haircut):

me: so, Sam, we are all getting haircuts tomorrow (expecting great gnashing of teeth, moaning and threats to leave home forever...)

Sam: oh, good. My hair is obscuring my vision.

me: ...uh...okay...

Friday, March 03, 2006

the wee lad

Sam has been creative lately - his class is working on poetry, and he and his grandma worked together to write the following poems. Both forms, Tanka and Haiku, are traditional Japanese poetry. Both topics are traditional 9-year-old boy.


Caterpillar juice
Colorful, green and yellow
Like lime and lemon,
But juice you’d not want to drink
Unless you are just mental.


Dead flies are such fun
You can play with them a lot
They will make your day.