Wednesday, December 29, 2004

let it snow...

Well, Sam woke up to a real treat today - Tokyo's first snowfall of the winter! As Steve points out, snow is the only weather that actually causes children to yell with joy - and head out the door without breakfast, brushed teeth... He's been back in to eat, but that's about it. Since there is now about half a mm on the ground, it's time for a snowball fight! It does look gorgeous out there, and feels gorgeous and warm in here.

And, Steve is waiting to find out if he is off to Bangkok for a week to help out with the Canadians stranded/devastated by the tsunami. I'm torn about it - I understand that it is important work, and that he is needed there, and that it would be a great experience for him. And that he would help hundreds of Canadians in need. But... how will I cook the ham for our New Year's Eve party all by myself? I know, silly and selfish, but that's me. We'll see what happens.

I'm going to make a cup of tea and meditate on the snowflakes. From inside.


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